Political Data Conversion Policy

Data Import Fees by File Type
.CSV File All other file formats
(i.e. Excel, etc.)

First file containing voter data

Free Ask for a quote

Second file containing voter history data

Free Ask for a quote

Each additional file

minimum $300 per file Ask for a quote

Included with your FIRST year's subscription (at no additional charge within the first 30 days), Trail Blazer will:

1) Import one single ASCII text file containing voter data from your voter election authority or commercial data vendor. This file generally contains voter number, name, address, voting districts (congressional, senate, legislative, precinct, etc), birthyear, registration date, etc.; and

2) Import one single ASCII TEXT voter history file. This file contains the voter number, election dates and names, party if applicable, and voted type.

If your voter data is coming from a source OTHER than your voter election authority, it must be in a single file (ASCII Text, Excel (single tab only), or SINGLE-TABLE-Access-database) that conforms to the example shown in this Excel file . In this file you will see many columns. Most are not required. The order of the columns does not matter. Data must be separated into its appropriate columns as shown. See the Name Columns and the Phone Columns for examples.

Data not supplied in the formats referenced above will incur additional data import charges. You may request a quote from the Data Import Team or call the support number below to discuss your file's format.

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