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Home : Web Tools : Iframe tags for stylesheets

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Article ID: KB88
Keyword Name: iFrame, CSS, Developer
Created: September 29, 2014
Viewed: 17844

Iframe tags for stylesheets

You can incorporate your web site stylesheet.css into Trail Blazers form. 

Teaching you how to build a style sheet is outside of the purview of Trail Blazer support, but we would like to get those who know how to build them or those who want to learn (suggested web site a few hints on how to change our standard white background forms into something a little more in fitting with your web site.

Any Class or Name can be styled.  Some Examples if you view, for example, the signup.aspx page would be:

<FIELDSET class='fieldsetStyle' id='P0' style='PADDING-TOP:15px; PADDING-LEFT:10px;PADDING-BOTTOM:10px; WIDTH:425px;'>



<input name="FirstName" type="text" maxlength="50" id="FirstName" onchange="Capitalize(this);" class="inputText" style="width:260px;" />



In your stylesheet.css (can be named anything.css, common is trailblazer.css) you would create a entry like this:

fieldset.fieldsetStyle {
 width: 200px;
 float: left;
 margin-top: 0px;
 padding-top: 0px

The above example is over writing the fieldsetStyle property in any fieldset because fieldsetStyle is a class you need to access it from the HTML control fieldset.  If it were a name like the name="FirstName" you would access it with a # like this:

form input#FirstName {
 height: auto;
 margin: 0px;

Some other setting things that can be accessed and changed using a stylesheet.css are:

form fieldset{}

form fieldset span{}

form span{}

Some of the properties that can be set, this is not a complete list, are:

background: background-attachment: background-color: background-image: background-position: background-repeat: border: border-bottom: border-bottom-color: border-bottom-style: border-bottom-width: border-collapse: border-color: border-left: border-left-color: border-left-style: border-left-width: border-right: border-right-color: border-right-style: border-right-width: border-spacing: border-style: border-top: border-top-color: border-top-style: border-top-width: border-width: bottom: caption-side: clear: clip: color: content:  cursor: display: float: font: font-family: font-size: font-size-adjust: font-stretch: font-style: font-variant: font-weight: height: left: letter-spacing: line-height: list-style: list-style-image: list-style-position: list-style-type: margin: margin-bottom: margin-left: margin-right: margin-top: marker-offset: marks: max-height: max-width: min-height: min-width: outline: outline-color: outline-style: outline-width: overflow: padding: padding-bottom: padding-left: padding-right: padding-top: position: quotes: richness: right: size: text-align: text-decoration: text-indent: text-shadow: text-transform: top: vertical-align: visibility: width: 


Trail Blazer Developer note:

Open databasename/app_themes/default/stylesheets.css.

Enter a single line:

@import url("");




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