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Home : Troubleshooting : Troubleshooting - Trail Blazer Application Running Slow - Internet Speed Tests and Other Tips & Tricks to Resolve this Issue

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Article ID: KB328
Keyword Name: Slow, Internet, Troubleshooting, ISP, SpeedTest, Sluggish
Created: May 11, 2018
Viewed: 10151

Troubleshooting - Trail Blazer Application Running Slow - Internet Speed Tests and Other Tips & Tricks to Resolve this Issue

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Research & Content Provided By: Piatt, Kevin

Author: Kristenson, Joel

Last Updated: 2018-05-10


This article provides some tips and tricks on how to troubleshoot your internet connection if Trail Blazer is running sluggishly on either a Mac or a PC.  One of our support techs (Kevin Piatt) did the heavy lifting gathering this information during a support session with a customer who thought that the reason Trail Blazer was running very slow on their Mac machine was something to do with our severs but after running these tests realized it was an issue with their internet providers.

99% of the time if the program is running slow it’s an internet connectivity issue or in some cases it’s a graphics card issue not being able to power the hardware you’re using e.g. monitors. Contact your ISP (Internet Service Provider) for assistance with troubleshooting slow internet speeds, they’ll have the most insight as to why you’re not getting the speeds that you’re paying for.

Steps to Troubleshoot your Internet Speeds


o Use this after each step below to identify if the slow speeds still exist

o If you do not have flash installed on your Mac, so you will need

· Restart your computer

o Most support techs will start by asking you to do this so you might as well have it done before you call

· Restart Router and/or Modem *Do not reset them unless directed to by your ISP*

o Unplug all cables from the back of the device(s)

o Unplug the outlet connection to your wall as well

o Wait 10 seconds and then restore your connections

o Run test at either or

· Identify & terminate bandwidth hogging plugins and apps

o This is far less likely in your environment, but still possible.

· Update your DNS server

o Lifehacker provides a walk through for identifying these here: Finding the Fastest (and most secure) DNS servers

o An alternative commonly used is to employ Google’s DNS servers (IP addresses listed below)



· Run a virus scan to check for viruses, bots, Trojan Horses, key loggers, etc.

· Call your internet provider (ISP)

o Share the steps you have taken with the support tech

o Follow any additional steps the can recommend for troubleshooting

o Possibly schedule an appointment to have a service tech come out to your location and try to fix the problem

o If your ISP is unable to produce results, then this will be your last option

Below are example screenshots from our internal systems here and one that is an example of a very poor internet connection. Although ours are far above average, you can clearly see that from the example below the internet speeds are very poor.

· Things to note when evaluating these

o Ping: lower is better

o Download: higher is better

o Upload: higher is better

Test organization results with very bad upload and download speeds:

Example of Trail Blazer’s results:

Ex: Average speeds for providers near Fort Worth:

Check your ISP plan to ensure that you are not on a low bandwidth plan. Many providers do offer budget speeds at cheaper costs.

Ex:  In Minneapolis the cheapest budget package you can get is $29.99 per month with speeds up to 10 Mbps. Granted, the 10 Mbps is a maximum speed.

Call our live support if you need a hand with any of this (1-866-909-8700).

Related Resources

Article: How to Download & Install Trail Blazer on a PC, and How to Uninstall-Reinstall the Application if it Doesn’t Launch Correctly after a Recent Deployment

Article: Configure Microsoft Remote Desktop – For Mac Users

Article: “I Can’t See my Attribute Checkboxes” – How to Adjust the DPI Screen Resolution of your Machine so that Checkboxes Display Correctly

Article: Troubleshooting Java and Windows Versions to Fix FEC Reporting Issues – Internal for Trail Blazer Support Team Use

Article: Outlook Internet Calendar Sync Help

Article: Google Calendar – ical sync problems

3rd Party Video: How to Check Your Internet Speed (Tutorial)

3rd Party Video: How to test your internet speed

Trail Blazer Live Support  Phone:  1-866-909-8700   Email:



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Click here to view our calendar for upcoming classes and events.  Feel free to sign up other members on your team for the same training.

* After registering you’ll receive a confirmation email with the instructions for how to log into the GoToMeeting session where we host our live interactive trainings.

* This service is included in your contract.


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