This article will teach you how to create a year-end contribution report using Trail Blazer and Microsoft Excel. Trail Blazer is unable to print multiple lines of contributions within its word processor. Exporting the contribution detail to Excel will give you the option of generating separate pages of contribution detail for each donor. This article will first teach you how to query for all donations in a calendar year, second it will teach you to export the list, open in Excel and finish generating the report using subtotals.
NOTE: MS Excel limits the amount of page breaks you can insert in a spreadsheet to 1,026.
See this article for advanced queries. If you would like to limit the output results to just those with MULTIPLE contributions for the year (month, qtr, etc), use this query and change the date ranges:
-- this is the starting date (do not delete the apostrophe's):
)) AND ((TB010611.CL010568<
-- this is one day AFTER the ending date (do not delete the apostrophe's):
))) AND (( SELECT COUNT ( * ) FROM TB010611 AS TB047927 WHERE TB047927.CL010595 = TB008485.CL005500 AND ((( TB047927.CL010568 >=
-- the SAME starting date is repeated here (do not delete the apostrophe's):
) AND ( TB047927.CL010568 <
-- the same ending date is repeated here (do not delete the apostrophe's):
'01/01/2013' ))))> 1 ))
Steps to Query for All Contributions in a Calendar Year
Under the Application Menu follow Voter/Donor > Contributions/Pledges > Contributions – this will open the contribution search window.

Enter the calendar date that you want to query by and click the [Search] button. In this example I selected the date range 1/1/2010-12/31/2010 and had a contribution record count of 2282.

Click the [Export] button from the List tool strip.

Select the location where you would like to save the file, give the file a name and save it as a (*csv.) file type, which is what Trail Blazer selects by default.

Click the [Save] button to finish the export, Trail Blazer will prompt you with a notification on how many rows were exported; click [OK] to finish. This is displayed in two images below.