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Home : Financial : How to Add and Remove Allocation Funds to the Donation Form Drop-Down Inside the Trail Blazer Database

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Article ID: KB1374
Keyword Name: Fund, Donation, Drop-Down, Allocate, Restricted, Add, Remove
Created: May 19, 2017
Viewed: 11075

How to Add and Remove Allocation Funds to the Donation Form Drop-Down Inside the Trail Blazer Database

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Author: Kristenson, Joel

Last Updated: 2017-05-19


This article will teach you how to add and remove allocation funds into the drop-down list when entering donations into your database.

Example: Read this article to learn how to add and remove allocation funds onto your online donation form This article shows how to run a pivot summary report to see how much money you have in each of your funds.


Open the Funds list.  Requires security clearance.

The funds that have the Active – Show In Dropdowns box checked are the ones that will show in the drop-down menu when entering a donation within the database.  In my example there were currently 5.

You can either open an existing fund to add or remove it to the donation drop-down menu or create a new fund by clicking the [+ New] button at the top.  In this example I created a new fund.

*If you’re creating a new fund, create a name, check the Active box, and [Save].

After adding a new fund, click [Search] to refresh the list and the new fund will display.  My example is below.

The next time you enter a donation the new fund you added or the current fund you activated in the drop-down will display.  My example is below.

To remove a fund from the drop-down list, simply reverse the previous steps.  Open the fund from the Funds list, and uncheck the Active box.

There are multiple lists in the database that allow you to run reports on fund data.  The screenshots below detail a few of the more common areas you can run these reports e.g. Contacts (Donors), Contributions, and Fund Allocation Lists.

Contributions Report by Fund

Img 1 of 2 – Navigate to the Contributions List

Img 2 of 2 – Search by Fund(s) and Add the Fund Column to the Grid

Contacts (Donors) Report by Fund

Img 1 of 2 – Navigate to the Contacts (Donors) List

Img 2 of 2 – Search by Fund(s) Under the Contribute Tab

Contribution Allocations Report by Fund

Img 1 of 2 – Navigate to the Contribution Allocations List

Img 2 of 2 – Search by Fund(s) to View Transactional Donation by Fund Data

Take a look at the related resources below to read other articles and videos related to this topic.

Related Resources

Article: Fund Allocation and Summary Report

Article: How to Add and Remove Allocation Funds to your Online Donation Form, and to Drop-Down Menus in your Database

Article: How to Put your Trail Blazer Donation Form on your Facebook Page

Article: Creating and Saving Default Format for Reporting with the Grid

Article: Configure Website (iFrames)

Article: Linking your Website to your Database with Configurable iFrame Forms

Article: Custom Donation Amounts for Non-Primary Donation Pages – List of All Configurable Donation Page URL Options

Article: How to Create a Custom Redirect Thank-You Page for your Donation Form(s) that Automatically Populates the Donor’s First Name and the Donation Amount they Gave – Advanced Feature

Article: How to Configure Recurring Donation Options for your Trail Blazer Donation Form (must be using either Vanco Services or Authorize.Net as your Merchant Gateway)

Article: How to Enable ACH (E-Check) Payments with the Vanco Merchant Gateway on Trail Blazer’s Donation Form

Article: Memorial and Honorarium Gifts – Add the Option to your Online Donation Form, and How to Run Searches and Build Reports on these Types of Gifts in the Database

Video: Iframes

Video: Reporting 104 – Joined Tables

Video: Reporting 102 – Quick Reports and Export

Video: Getting Started 106a – Entering Contributions (NON PROFIT ONLY)

Video: Reporting 105 – Pivots – summary reporting

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