If you were having a problem with your import stalling, it was due to Tom installing an anti-import switch in yesterday's code. Tom figured if no one could import then he could take a few days off and maybe enjoy some sun he hasn't seen since last Halloween. We gave him a sun lamp and had him turn off the anti-import switch.
You can import now.
As we have been tightening security on the system, that has necessitated some changes to how some things work. One of those was the roll back feature where you could "undo" a recent activity. However, increased security caused that to break for our customers. That has been fixed now.
The call book report now has an option to print log notes in reverse date order.
Do you get your news via TV, radio, or straight off the internet? Hard to miss the conversation around the OpenSSL vulnerability. The website https://lastpass.com/heartbleed/ offers a way for you to determine if the sites you visit are vulnerable. They gave us a clean bill of health. We have two domains in use; trailblz.com and trailblz.info. Here are the results:
Our FEC customers running on a 64 bit machine will sometimes get a message when attempting to run an FEC report that they need to install Java. I usually hear them say "but I already have Java installed!"
True. You do. But the default Java installation is a 32 version. Unless you have a pretty old machine, you are likely on a 64 bit machine that needs a 64 bit Java to run the FEC reports.
It's FREE and easy to install.
Click here: http://www.java.com/en/download/manual.jsp
Click the link shown below: